Gransom Hayes Suspense Author

Crime Genre Mashup and Supernatural Thriller Novelist

Short Stories to Read Online for Free

Gransom Hayes posts short stories to read online for free. Scroll down to see what’s available. Sign up for the newsletter so you know when a new story is published.

Short stories are linked below and they are free to read.

Short Story: Meeting Your Idol

by Gransom Hayes

Author comments: I suppose most of us have heard the cliche ‘never meet your idols.’ But what if you did? I asked that questions and this story came to mind. It’s a little suspense/drama about one guy’s experience meeting the person he admires most.

Short story: Too Soon

by Gransom Hayes

Author comments: Few things affect me like the notion of a grieving widow. Everyone of us understands what goes into a meaningful relationship. To have that torn away after so many years together is unthinkable. But what if she were to learn about an ugly truth revolving around that loss? Watch the suspense unfold along her path to discovery.

Short story: The Talk

by Gransom Hayes

Author comments: Few things anger me more than when men, and boys for that matter, act disparagingly towards women. I’ve often wondered how a father might handle a situation where his son had been exposed, at too young an age, to some sort of online ugliness meant for adults only. What could he say to alleviate the shock of seeing that for the first time and what’s worse, in a demeaning context? This is an innocent heart-felt conversation between father and son about a serious topic.

Short Story: Angry Barista

by Gransom Hayes

Author comments: We all rely on people who work in the service industry. When I see someone being rude or mistreating someone only trying to help, it makes me wonder if this person considered what the server, cashier or repair tech might be going through at the moment? It doesn’t take much to be a little more forgiving…

coming soon

by Gransom Hayes

Author comments: next short coming soon…

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