Gransom Hayes Suspense Author

Crime Genre Mashup and Supernatural Thriller Novelist

An Issue That Needs More Awareness: Human Trafficking

My first two novels, Three Worlds Collide and Low Men, integrate into the narrative a thread or two of the horrors that occur not only along the border between the United States and Central America but also within abusive environments hidden right before our eyes. Sadly, a lot of these horrors were inspired by true stories. While researching this novel, the information and accounts I came across were deeply disturbing. They really stuck with me. 

Admittedly, it was hard to write about such things. 

But in Dickensian fashion, shining a light on the dark and terrible things through story telling can raise awareness. And in doing so, perhaps inspire, not just change, but also action. Learning about these things caused me to ask myself: How can horrors like human trafficking and all the related abuses exist in our society right now in the 21st century? Often right in front of our eyes.

My hope is that you, the reader, find this story not only compelling but also a call to action. 

To find out how you can help, please go to

Know that a portion of the sales from this book will be donated to the Polaris Project.

If you are a victim just search the phrase “human trafficking” 

Or go to

There are people that care. Help is available.

If you would like to learn more about the challenges along the Mexico-United States border, I highly suggest works by Luis Alberto Urrea. Reading his book titled Across the Wire was eye opening to say the least.

If you would like to learn more about narcissists, gas lighting, con-men and how to avoid them, I highly suggest works by Maria Konnikova. Reading her book titled The Confidence Game was an interesting journey through a world most of us don’t know enough about.

Sincerely, Gransom Hayes